
RAIC Prešov is one of seven providers of microloans for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Microloan program is executed by the Slovak Business Agency.

RPIC Prešov is one of the seven providers of microloans for SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises). Microloan program is run by the Slovak Business Agency. During the implementation of the first phase of the most successful financial program for this target group in Slovakia, RPIC Prešov had provided direct financial assistance to SMEs in amount of nearly 4.0 million eur, helping, though, 200 SMEs to implement and develop their business activities. 

Microloans represent a discounted form of financing of both investment and/or operational needs of entrepreneurs. 
If you are interested in the programme don´t hesitate to contact us.

Direct contact:
Manager: Ing. Mária Sitárová
email : maria.sitarova@rpicpo.sk
tel : 051 / 75 60 327
mobil : 0905 671 095
  6.8.2014 | Autor: Financial services | Mikropôžičky | zobrazené: 1904 krát | Share on Facebook